Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reading Review Week

This class has allowed me to explore various writing options and expand my writing abilities. Through the different Storybook writings, I have gotten to use my imagination to create stories that follow the readings from the past week. I have enjoyed this because it is fun and simple. The stories don't have to be too long and it allows you to escape into another world while you are writing. I feel like I have had some successful writings and I can tell my stories are getting better throughout the course of the semester.

The Reading Diaries are a good way of reflecting and writing about personal favorite stories and themes in the units. I have definitely enjoyed the writing portions of this class and I think I have learned better writing techniques through the course.

Although I like reading and writing from the units, I am not too crazy about writing blog comments. I know they are meant to be used to help other students, but I honestly don't find much use from writing or reading these comments.

Overall, I think this course has been great for my writing skills and I'm looking forward to continuing to get better!

Bob (Job) is covered in sores. This picture is from a Storybook I wrote a few weeks ago.
Photo Cred: Distant Shores

1 comment:

  1. I agree that writing and reading blog comments are not exactly my favorite part of this course either. Most of the comments I have seen have been compliments, which are obviously nice to read but do little to improve my skills as a writer. Most of the critical comments pertain to visual elements of the site like font size or color or something like that and not elements of my writing that could be improved.
