Thursday, February 12, 2015

Essay: Persian Fairy Tales

This past week, I read the Persian Fairy Tales unit. I really didn’t know what to expect when I chose to read this, but I saw that there were good notes to accompany the reading and so I figured I would give it a shot…and I am really glad I did! This was a great unity that included various fairy tales from the Persian culture. It was interesting to hear fairy tales from a different culture and find some similarities and differences between American fairy tales. Some of the fairy tales I read in this unit were quite bizarre, but that made it even more fun to read.

I wrote about my two favorite stories in the reading diaries from earlier this week. One included a story about a goat family and a wolf. I compared the story to Little Red Riding Hood and wrote a new story in my Storytelling blog based from this story.

My other favorite story from this unit was about a shepherd that saw his friend’s soul in the form of a firefly. This story had a lot of symbolism and had a great storyline. In the end, the shepherd found a lost treasure because of a dream of his friend. I had never heard a fairy tale like this one before, so it made it very interesting for me to read.

Overall, I really enjoyed this unit and thought it brought a great perspective to learn from the Persian culture. After reading more serious stories the past few weeks, I liked having the opportunity to read some light-hearted stories that were sometimes even funny!

I thought there were good notes to give some background to these stories and add to the way these stories were given. I hope next weeks stories are as enjoyable as this unit was!

The Shepherd who found a treasure.
Photo Cred: DLTK

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