Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Reading Diary B - Nigerian Folktales

I found the Japanese unit to be a little boring, so I decided to change to a new unit! I read through the Nigerian Folktales and found some super interesting stories! A lot of these stories included animals that had big personalities and character. My favorite story in the unit was called The Fish and the Leopard's Wife. This story was really unique because the story was literally about a leopard and a walking fish. The two animals were best friends and the fish visited the leopard's home often.

Here is the kicker - the fish has an affair with the leopard's beautiful wife (How a fish and a leopard have an affair, I don't know...). When the leopard finds out about this we wants to kill the fish but spares his life because he is his friend. Instead, he informs the king about the situation. King Eyo then proclaims that fish will never be able to walk again and both animals and humans are allowed to kill fish at anytime they want.

So, if you have been curious as to why fish cannot breathe out of water, it is because one fish had an affair with a leopards wife.

The mighty leopard.
Photo Cred: Wikimedia

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you switched units! It would have sucked to read more stories about a unit that you didn't find interesting. That story does sound very unique! Haha a leopard and a walking fish sound like a very odd but interesting couple. I don't know how I feel about that though haha. I like how the leopard went to the king instead of killing the fish.
