Sunday, February 1, 2015

Storybook Styles

TOPIC: My storybook will be about creation stories. Specifically, religion’s beliefs on how the world and people were created. I want to focus on Christian/Jewish beliefs and even some creation stories from atheists and agnostics. I don’t believe I will have any trouble finding a story, but narrowing which creation stories to choose will be difficult. I plan to choose a few different creation stories and expand on how they are the same and how they are different. I want to write about Adam and Eve and the creation stories from Jews and Christians. I also want to explore how some of these religions believe the same things about with creation with a few different themes. The Genesis Creation Narrative allows for a deeper look into creation beliefs from these religions.


Genesis Creation Narrative. Website: Wikipedia

Adam and Eve. Website: Wikipedia

On-the-scene: I think a good way to share stories of creation would be directly from a person that is “on-the-scene” when it takes place. For example, if I’m writing about Adam and Eve, the story can take place from the eyes of Adam. It would focus on Adam’s perspective. He would only talk about the things he saw and would describe things as someone seeing the world for the first time. Adam would have limited knowledge of the creation story because he can only describe what he sees or what he has been told.

Omniscient: Writing the Storybook from the perspective of the creator of all creation would be a good way to bring an all-knowing presence. The creator has reasoning for why they are creating people, animals, mountains, etc. This could be God to the Christians or possibly a meteor to others. The creator tells why and answers questions that humans cannot understand.

Bedtime Story: My favorite memories growing up are the bedtime stories my mom would tell me as I fell asleep. Creation stories are deeply embedded into people’s belief, usually due to religious beliefs. A mom sharing with her little boy the story of how the world was created could be a good way to hear different perspectives from different religions.  Each mom could be from a different religion or belief and share their respected creation story.

Fly on the Wall: Finally, the perspective of someone who walks through each of the creation story and is able to see first hand the similarities and difference of creation stories. This person gets the opportunity to share what they see and present it as someone who is learning as the story evolves.

The creation of the world.

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