Thursday, January 22, 2015

Essay: The Gospel of Mark

This past week, I really enjoyed the unit on the Gospel of Mark. I have read this book before, but never from the King James Version, which made it pretty interesting. The King James Version was a little bit harder to read and understand, but it was fun to read such a classic version of the bible.

Before reading the story, I think it would have been great to have more of a background on the author and setting of the story. I know there were a brief description, but specific accounts on Mark, the author, and who he is would be good to learn before reading his accounts on the Gospel. It can be hard to picture the setting of this story sometimes because it took place over 2,000 years ago. A description on the setting and typical customs and traditions of the time would be a goof read to set the stage of the book.

My favorite story from the Gospel of Mark is about John the Baptist. A lot of times people see the bible as boring or hard to read, but stories like John the Baptist are crazy and fun to read. John was born to lead the way for Jesus and preach about his coming. He baptized believers and even baptized Jesus Christ himself.

Although he wasn’t one of the twelve disciples, John the Baptist was know for his beliefs and commitment to follow Christ. King Herod threw him in prison because John the Baptist confronted him about sin. Herod ends up beheading John the Baptist because of a promise he made to a girl that dances for him.

He then gives the head of John the Baptist to the girl on a charger. Gross!!

This is just one of the crazy stories from the Gospel of Mark. This book is packed with awesome stories, and I had a great time digging into it.

John the Baptist is beheaded.
Photo Cred: Wikimedia

1 comment:

  1. This story is a little dark, but I wrote a story about women that were randomly kidnapped from their villages. I thought it was interesting that you gave a history behind the story. I feel like there were a lot of be headings back in the day. Either way, cool story!
