Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Hello! My name is Landon. I am currently a senior at the University of Oklahoma pursuing a degree in Advertising. I’m from the small town of Cleveland, Oklahoma, which is just about 30 miles north west of Tulsa. I came to OU because my entire family has attended school here I grew up loving the Sooners! 

I enjoy playing sports, reading a good book and hanging out with friends. I graduate this May and I’m looking forward to this next chapter in life!

I chose to major in advertising because I have a passion for all things creative. Although the advertising agency is quite competitive and harsh, it can be a lot of fun. My goal is to be a creative director at an agency one day. This means I will be leading copywriters, art directors and designers to create print ads, TV spots, billboards and all other types of ads.

I hope to one day open up my own creative agency in Oklahoma City. Through the years I have noticed many brands that can’t afford an ad agency to brand their business. I would like to help local business and non-profits by creating affordable designs and branding products.

I hope to attend grad school after graduation to earn a Masters degree. Although I haven’t quite decided what to earn my masters in, I am leaning toward a Masters in the Science of Architecture. This field would allow me to become an urban developer. Besides advertising, I would like to design new neighborhoods and districts in up and coming cities. Although this is a completely different field then advertising, I believe the same creativeness is needed.

My goal is to make Oklahoma City a respected city that attracts people from all over the world. The city is already headed in the right direction and I am excited to be apart of its growth!

I love to travel! This is a picture of me visiting France.
(Personal photo)


  1. Landon, so happy you are in this class with me! (haha) As I was reading through your blog post I saw you wanted to potentially acquire your masters in the Science of Architecture! I had no idea this was even one of your options. Glad I can keep up with you on the blog! See you soon whenever I come to Norman next.

  2. Hey Landon! Glad to see you are in this class fellow Gaylord Ambassador! I also graduate this May and I think it will be a great adventure for us both. I think your aspirations and goals for advertising are great, especially in helping local businesses and nonprofits with affordable and creative advertising. I think you would do great with architecture, and I think it would also involve your love for creating and designing that advertising brings! Love the photo from the British Media Study Abroad trip! :)

  3. How fantastic, Landon: I am a total believer in the power of the creative, as you have probably guessed from the way this class is set up. And advertising is one of the storytelling modes of the modern age: did you know Paul Bunyan was a legend that started out as a marketing campaign for a lumber company? No kidding! You can find out more about that here in the original Paul Bunyan book from the Red River Lumber Company back in the day! The Marvelous Exploits of Paul Bunyan — maybe you will create an ad campaign someday that becomes part of American folklore/mythology! :-)

  4. Hey Landon. That's great that you want to pursue a career in advertising around OKC. Advertising is a cool path to take, especially in Oklahoma City. I moved here from the east coast and didn't think I would enjoy the Oklahoma City area as much as I do. Also, good luck getting your masters and reaching opportunities beyond that! Nice photo in France. I've never been to Europe and think France would be a great place to visit.

  5. Hey Landon, I’m graduating in May as well. I plan on attending graduate school although not for Architecture. What a great plan you have! It’s very community oriented and that's incredible. I love Oklahoma City! There are so many great up and coming places. One of my new favorites is Paseo. It’s fun to grab a burger at Picasso and walk around the studios during their art walk. I can’t wait to see more positive changes. How exciting to be a part of that ☺

  6. Hey Landon, so I'm curious... You say you're majoring in advertising - is that different from marketing, or are just two different ways of saying the same thing? Other than that, I appreciate your goal of improving the general view of Oklahoma City. Right now, it's not a very interesting city (compared to other large US cities), but I think that with the right adman on the case, it could be drastically improved. Good luck!

  7. Hey Landon! Advertising and architecture sound like such an interesting combination, but definitely an awesome one! I think your plan to head to OKC is a great one; with the city growing like it is, I bet there are so many opportunities to expand and use your abilities. I also think your love for traveling is awesome! London and Paris are both places I would have loved to have visited while I was in Europe. I hope your senior year is treating you well and best of luck to you in your final semester! Looking forward to reading more!

  8. Hi Landon, it is nice to meet you. Just like you, I have always loved OU and could not wait to be here. I am a senior as well. Wow. I am impressed with how well you have your future planned out. It is great that you are determined to help the growth of Oklahoma City and even better the local businesses. I wish you luck in your future!

  9. Hi, Landon! Congrats on being a senior! I think it's super neat that your whole family has gone to OU. That's such an awesome connection to have! I love your plan for the future. The part that really impressed me was your desire to want to be an urban developer. That seems like it would be such a difficult job. You could design the next NYC or Chicago! Also, super jealous that you've been to Paris. Good luck with your last semester, and I look forward to reading more of your material!

  10. Hi Landon! Your major sounds so interesting!! I never knew what an advertising job entailed. It seems pretty cool that you have everything figured out for what you want to do. I like that you want to help local businesses and non-profit organizations. Architecture sounds really interesting too! I love traveling too! I get to go to Europe in May and I'm super excited!

  11. Advertising! How fun! I worked at the Shawnee, OK newspaper for 5 years in my early 20’s. I was just the administrative assistant for the department, but I learned a lot about advertising. It’s a great field if you really like it. I also worked for a graphic design firm in Oklahoma City called S Design. It was a totally different environment from the newspaper, but it was really interesting too. Being around so many creative people makes you want to be creative too. Oh, and what a great idea to get your master’s in architecture! I have an associates in architectural drafting and have worked for multiple architects in Oklahoma City, including Rand Elliott, whose wife is Jeanette Elliott, VP of Creative at Ackerman McQueen. I have also worked for a developer named David Wanzer that has totally turned around the “Film Row” district. You will have plenty of opportunities with both of those degrees if you plan to stay in the Oklahoma City area. Good luck to you and maybe I will see you around :)

  12. Dang man, it sounds like you are shooting for the stars! I think it is so cool to hear about people that have a passion to make Oklahoma City amazing! It has so much to offer and such cool places to visit, but people do not take the time to go or they are unaware of the places and opportunities. Having a background in both advertising and architecture will definitely help you accomplish this awesome goal of yours. You rock, don't ever change

  13. Hey Landon! I think the idea of helping Oklahoma City develop further is really cool. I'm from just outside Kansas City originally and I've always loved the idea of going back there to help it continue to develop into a well-respected city like Dallas or Denver. My girlfriend's also majoring in advertising and interested in working on advertising with smaller agencies so I have gotten to hear a lot about the cool and different things that you can do through that.

  14. You have quite the aspirations, Landon! But the only way to achieve what you want in life is to aim high, and you seem to be doing just that! I've heard the advertising portion of Gaylord is hard, so more power to you for seeing it through to the end! And I think your devotion to Oklahoma City will definitely help you achieve your goals!

  15. Landon!
    Hope you've been doing well! I love reading about how passionate you are about Oklahoma City! Being from Texas, OKC wasn't even on my radar until college. I have grown to fall in love with OKC and am sad that I have to leave it after this year! You are one creative guy, and will be able to transform the world with that gift! You're right in that the city has taken steps in the right direction, but I can't wait to hear your name in 10 years as one of the people who helped pioneer OKC's creative movement! Best of luck to ya, Landon!

  16. Hello Landon! I think your desire to open up an ad agency in Oklahoma City and be affordable to small businesses is a really great thing. It's definitely something that would allow you to express your creativity while also helping out local businesses. I think a Master's of Science in Architecture sounds really interesting. It wasn't something I had heard of before but it sounds like it would definitely give you more opportunities to express your creativity. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  17. Hi, Landon! You seem to really know what you want to do in life and are working hard to pursue your dreams. You'd have to be a hard and determined worker to go into a field like advertising because, like you said, it is very competitive. But you seem like the kind of guy who would excel in this kind of environment. I also came to OU because my family has always loved the school and I will also be graduating in May. I hope you have a great last semester!

  18. I think a degree in advertising is so interesting. It must be nice to be going into a field that values creativity so much. That is exciting that you are so close to graduating. I am excited to be graduating this December so it must be awesome to be even closer than that. I like the idea of working to work to help smaller businesses afford good advertisement. I've seen many companies that fail to do lack of advertisement. Good luck with your last semester!

  19. Hello again, Landon! First off, that is a fantastic picture! Are you standing in front of Versailles, there? If so, I know how stunning it is from personal experience, and you definitely captured a bit of that in the photo. Have you traveled extensively in Europe? Also, congrats on the upcoming graduation! You must be seriously excited, haha. Can't wait to read more of your blog!

  20. Nice to meet you Landon! I graduate this May as well and although I am excited for my next chapter, I am going to miss school. I always thought advertising was really cool, but I never had a talent for it. Helping local businesses and non-profits is great. Architecture is pretty different than advertising but I think combining the two like you said would be really cool.

  21. Hey Landon!

    That is a really cool picture of you in France! I have never been to France but I would like to. Like you, I enjoy to travel. Over the past summer, I studied abroad in Ireland. While, I was there I was also able to travel to Belgium and London. I had the time of my life. I miss it every day.

  22. Hi Landon! You have a lot of great aspirations and I hope you are able to achieve all of them easily! You have very diverse interests (advertising and architecture) and I think that will be a huge asset in your future. If you could put the two fields together somehow that would be outstanding. It's really cool that you have traveled abroad already. I hope to travel out of the US someday. I've gone on a few cruises, but never straight to another country. I would like to visit France one day. Heck, I want to visit all around the world someday.
    Go for your dreams and you will go far! Congrats on your upcoming graduation and good luck with grad school too!

  23. Hey Landon. I think it is really cool that you have a lot of goals! That is awesome because when you know what you want, you figure out how to get it done. Advertising sounds so much fun. One of my former roommates was an advertising major, so I have seen first hand what you all do. It's not easy, but it's a very rewarding career. I wish you all the best after graduation. Good luck in graduate school! Take care.
