Monday, January 26, 2015

Storybook Brainstorm Topics

Topic: Creation Stories
Comments: Everyone has different beliefs on how the earth was crated. Cultures pass stories down from generation to generation. This fascinates me because people are passionate toward their belief and so many stories are out there about the same topic.
Possible Stories: There are a ton of different stories out there about creation. While just briefly searching, I found several that I am interested in. Plus, there are not just creation stories about the world’s creation; you can also find stories on creation of life and society. Wikipedia and Sacred Texts Archives both have stories about creation ranging from Adam & Eve to beliefs from different religions such as Islam and even agnostics.
Sample Story: On Wikipedia, I found an in depth story on Adam & Eve. Through searching the Genesis creation narrative, the story offers a non-bias perspective on the story. Both Christians and Jews believe that Adam & Eve to be first man and woman to walk the earth. This story has always fascinated me and I would like to get a more in depth perspective on this story.
Website Name: Wikipedia

Topic: Native American Storybooks
Comments: Growing up in Oklahoma, I’ve had the opportunity to hear a lot of stories about Native Americans. These have always interested me and they play a huge part in our state’s culture. I’d like to dig more into these stories.
Possible Stories: There are various stories from the several Native American tribes. There are a lot of different textbooks about this topic online. I found several stories through Sacred Texts ranging from Native American stories from the U.S. to around the world.
Sample Story: Through sacred text, I found a story called “The Myths of the Cherokee.” This story contains several myths that are interesting to read ranging from the origin of disease and medicine all the way to the origin of strawberries!
Sample Story:  The Origin of Strawberries
Author: James Mooney
Year: 1897-98

Topic: Pirates and Sailors
Comments: I have never done much research on this subject, but I have watched some great movies about it! I’d like to read some old stories about pirates on the ocean!
Possible Stories: You can find several stories pirates and sailors on Wikipedia. I found stories on pirates from different centuries. The website even has a list of famous and notorious pirates and sailors.
Sample Story: I found one story about Awilda on Wikipedia. She was a female pirate that most historians believe is a false person, just a legend. Awida and her female friends would dress up like sailors and command ships.
Sample Story: Awilda
Website: Wikipedia

Topic: Stories From Other Cultures:
Comments: Like I said in my intro, I love traveling. My favorite part of traveling is learning about different cultures and their way of living. I think reading about stories fro other cultures would be a lot of fun!
Possible Stories: There are several places to find stores online. The online book library through storybook has several for this topic ranging from stories on English folktales to ballads and American folklore.
Sample Story: While searching for stories on this topic, I found The Story of the Three Bears from English literature. This is the famous children’s story about the wee little bear, the middle-size bear and the great big large bear and the little girl, Goldilocks, that found her way into their home! It is a classic.
Book Title: English Fairy Tales
Author: Flora Annie Steel

Year: N/A

The Three Bears from the English tale.
Photo Cred: Wikipedia

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