Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Legends of Noah - Reading Diary B

In the second part of this unit, Legends of Noah, I was able to read from the Legends of the Jews by Luis Ginzberg. This was very interesting because it depicted scripture from the bible in a different way. The text is easier to read and understand it makes it feel as if the story is a fairytale. Ginzberg walks through the story of Noah and the flood all the way to the Tower of Babel.

My favorite story in the second part of the unit is The Inmates of the Ark. This section begins by Noah gathering the hundreds of animals to go inside the ark and the corrupted people who were to be left behind pleading to Noah to let them on the ark. Noah denied their access saying they had turned away from God and just want to turn back so they can survive.

Noah then takes every animal two by two on the ark. I thought it was interesting that Ginzberg says there was an animal that couldn't come inside the ark, the reem. Apparently, the deem was too massive to come inside the ark so Noah tied it to the back of the ark and it ran along with the boat.

Noah also let the giant Og, the king of Bashan ride on top of the ark because he promised he would be his slave.

These extra add-ons to the story are a fun way to make the story even more interesting.

Og and the Reem.
Photo Cred: UnTextbook

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