Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Gospel of Mark - Reading Diary B

The Gospel of Mark - Part 2

The second part of this unit was much more interesting to me. As Mark continues to tell the story of the life of Jesus Christ, the reader can learn about the numerous miracles Jesus performed during his time on earth. He builds relationships with his disciples that seem unimaginable. My favorite part, as I feel is most Christians favorite part, is when Mark describes the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Wow! Even if you are not a Christian, you have to admit this is an amazing story!!

In my first diary on Mark, I talked about how the disciples were challenged to preach and tell others about Jesus. In the Resurrection chapter, Mark says Jesus told his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. At the end of the chapter, Jesus descends to heaven and the disciples share the good news with the world. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the centerpiece of the Christian faith. This story has been told and believed by millions of people for over 2000 years.

According to Mark, Jesus came to the earth as the perfect, son of God. He came to love and to fulfill the laws that were told in scripture. Christians and non Christians alike can agree that Jesus brought great leadership style and set good morals.

Jesus is resurrected and is seen leaving the tomb he was buried in.
Photo Cred: Deviant Art

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